María José Alcalá elected first female President of Mexican Olympic Committee
María José Alcalá has been elected as the first female President of the Mexican Olympic Committee (COM) at the 2021 Ordinary General Assembly on 12 November.
President María José Alcalá beat fellow candidate Norma Olivia González Guerrero and will serve from 2021-2024.
Speaking on her election she said:
“I have always characterized myself as an honest and committed person, that is why I have managed to stand out in my personal and sporting life with achievements and always with transparency. I will always give the Mexican Olympic Committee enough time and I will also give all the permanent members and the national federations enough time for when they need me.”
President María José Alcalá will be joined by Daniel Aceves Villagrán, First Vice President; Jaime Cadaval Baeza, Second Vice President; Mario García de la Torre, Secretary General; Martha Hernández Sánchez, Assistant Secretary; Jorge Alfonso Peña Soberanis, Treasurer; Rosalío Alvarado del Ángel, First Vocal; Lilian Estrada Bautista, Second Member; Norma Baraldi Briseño Third Member: Miguel Cervantes Ledesma, Fourth Member and Ismael Marcelo Hernández Uscanga, Sports Member.