The Executive Council of ANOC is responsible for all the affairs of the Association in compliance with the ANOC Constitution.

The Executive Council of ANOC is currently made up of 31 members:

The President of ANOC

The Senior Vice-President of ANOC

Elected by the NOCs at an Ordinary General Assembly from the Vice-Presidents for a mandate of four years.

The Secretary General of ANOC

Appointed on the recommendation of the President by the Executive Council.

Five Vice-Presidents of ANOC

Elected by the five continental associations for a mandate of four years, and whose nominations are approved by the General Assembly of ANOC.

The members of the Executive Council (31) are elected by the Continental Associations.

The Executive Council meets at least twice a year, upon the President’s initiative or by request of members of the Executive Council which shall include at least one half of the members elected by at least three Continental Associations (Ref Constitution point 13.14 p. 12)

Members of the ANOC Executive Council (2022-2026)

  • President

    Robin MITCHELL (Fiji)

  • Senior Vice-president

    H.E. Sheikh Joaan AL THANI (Qatar)

  • Secretary General

    Gunilla LINDBERG (Sweden)

  • Vice-President of ANOC for Africa

    Mustapha BERRAF (Algeria)

  • Members for Africa
    • Ahmed Abou ELGASIM HASHIM (Sudan)
    • Habu Ahmed GUMEL (Nigeria)
    • Matlohang MOILOA-RAMOQOPO (Lesotho)
    • Joao Manuel DA COSTA AFONSO ALEGRE (Sao Tome & Principe)
    • Habib SISSOKO (Mali)
  • Vice-President of ANOC for Americas

    Neven ILIC ALVAREZ (Chile)

  • Members for America
    • Camilo PÉREZ (Paraguay)
    • Tricia SMITH (Canada)
    • Sara ROSARIO (Puerto Rico)
    • Veda BRUNO VICTOR (Grenada)
    • Luis MEJÍA OVIEDO (Dominican Republic)
  • Vice-President of ANOC for Asia

    H.E. Sheikh Joaan AL THANI (Qatar)

  • Members for Asia
    • Randhir SINGH (India)
    • Timur KULIBAYEV (Kazakhstan)
    • Khunying PATAMA LEESWADTRAKUL(Thailand)
    • Mikaela COJUANGCO JAROWSKI (Philippines)
    • Lingwei LI (Peoples' Republic of China)
  • Vice-President of ANOC for Europe

    Spyros CAPRALOS (Greece)

  • Members for Europe
    • Daina GUDZINEVICIUTE (Lithuania)
    • Raffaele PAGNOZZI (Italy)
    • Andrzej KRASNICKI (Poland)
    • Nese GUNDOGAN (Türkiye)
    • Alejandro BLANCO (Spain)
  • Vice-President of ANOC for Oceania

    Baklai TEMENGIL (Palau)

  • Members for Oceania
    • Ricardo BLAS (Guam)
    • Marcus STEPHEN (Nauru)
    • Auvita RAPILLA (Papua New Guinea)
    • James Robert TOBIN (Federated States of Micronesia)
  • Ex officio Members, Chairpersons of ANOC Commissions

    Finance and Audit Commission - Dagmawit BERHANE (Ethiopia)

    Legal Commission - Michael CHAMBERS (Canada)

    Sustainability Commission - Victoria CABEZAS (Spain)

    Gender Equity Commission - HRH Prince Feisal bin AL HUSSEIN (Jordan)

    Athletes’ Commission - To be elected

    Electoral Commission - Kevan GOSPER (Australia)

    Events Commission - Timothy FOK (Hong Kong, China)

    Marketing Commission - Gene SYKES (USA)

    Culture & Education Commission - Beatrice ALLEN (Gambia)

    Medical Commission - Christopher MILNE (New Zealand)