XXVI ANOC General Assembly promotes message of unity on opening day
The XXVI ANOC General Assembly today drew together the NOC family and all Olympic stakeholders behind a message of solidarity and unity.
The General Assembly was attended by 187 NOCs in-person and 16 online and also saw the attendance of the President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk Yeol, IOC President Thomas Bach, and representatives from International Federations and Organising Committee of Olympic Games.
Speaking during the ANOC General Assembly, Acting ANOC President Robin Mitchell said:
“We in ANOC should not for take for granted just how significant and unique it is to host an event attended by representatives from nearly 200 countries. As a global NOC family we are made up of so many different cultures and backgrounds.
“But as an international organisation of 204 NOCs, our strength comes in our diversity. It comes from our understanding that not everyone thinks in the same way as we do. And that we are stronger when we work together.”
IOC President Thomas Bach delivered a keynote during the General Assembly address and said:
“In this true Olympic spirit of solidarity and peace, I invite you all to join hands, to stand united with confidence in each other, as we have been doing so well in the past years. Let us not divide our precious Olympic Movement. Let us together walk this path of unity and peace. Let us together live up to our Olympic mission.
“Keep following the sanctions and protective measures. Do not do less, because doing less means you divide the Olympic Movement. Do not do more, because doing more means you divide the Olympic Movement. Based on such a strong foundation of unity, we can look forward to the development of the Olympic Movement with great confidence.”
The General Assembly heard a number of important and constructive interventions from the NOCs. ANOC reinforced its support of the IOC’s recommendations on Russia and Belarus and expressed its support for the Olympic community in Ukraine.