ANOC Athletes Commission holds virtual meeting
The ANOC Athletes’ Commission, led by Chair Karo Lelai, met virtually today to discuss a number of important athlete issues, including the latest developments for Tokyo 2020, Beijing 2022 and update on progress across the Continental Athletes’ Commissions.
In the absence of IOC Athletes’ Commission Chair Kirsty Coventry, Kaveh Merhabi, IOC Associate Director of Athlete & OLY Relations, provided an update from the IOC Athletes’ Commission. The recent decision to ban overseas spectators from attending Tokyo 2020 and the impact it will have on athletes’ families and friends not being able to attend the Games was discussed. While it was recognised this would be of great disappointment to athletes it was also agreed that safety must come first.
It was discussed that there will an IOC Athletes’ Forum in May, which all NOC Athletes’ Commission members will be invited to.
All the Continental Athletes’ Commissions shared reports on their latest activities and the new chair of the OCA Athletes’ Commission and Tokyo 2020 Sports Director, Mikako Kotani, was welcomed to her first meeting.
Adriana Escobar, who was nominated by ANOC to the WADA Athletes’ Committee, attended the meeting and gave an update on anti-doping and the plans for Play True Day on 9 April.
There were also discussions on the new ANOC Athletes’ Commission Toolkit, which has been published on the ANOC website to support NOCs develop their own Athletes’ Commissions, as well as on Gender Equity/Women in Sport.